Grant Olsen

Have You Seen This? Falling space junk looks like a sci-fi movie
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Feb. 16 - 3:35 p.m.
Good to know that the ominous objects approaching earth in this video weren't alien spacecraft.

Have You Seen This? Miami in the mist
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Feb. 15 - 3:35 p.m.
A historic cold front recently hit Miami, Florida. And the resulting fog made for a great drone video.

Have You Seen This? Trail camera captures a tornado's wrath
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Feb. 8 - 3:29 p.m.
Yikes. This video makes me glad that tornadoes are such a rarity in Utah.

Have You Seen This? It's a train. It's a tank. Well, it's kinda both.
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Feb. 2 - 9:18 a.m.
There is a handful of these old steam-powered log haulers left in the Northeast. And they're amazing.

Have You Seen This? Restaurant unexpectedly gets a new drive-thru
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Feb. 1 - 3:34 p.m.
Seems like just about every restaurant these days is getting drive-thru ... whether they intend it, or not.

Have You Seen This? Beware the backward throttle
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 26 - 3:30 p.m.
Things really could've gone south if this out-of-control ATV had rambled further down the road and hit someone.

Have You Seen This? Human-powered Ferris wheel
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 25 - 3:40 p.m.
Maybe Steel Days, the Washington County Fair, or the Farmington Festival Days Carnival could get one of these human-powered Ferris wheels for next year.

Have You Seen This? Locomotive seemingly drives onto roadway
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 20 - 3:27 p.m.
Hard not to feel nervous when you see a train cruising down the street.

Have You Seen This? How Santa unwinds in Utah after Christmas
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 18 - 4:02 p.m.
What does Santa do after Christmas? This video might shed some light on this important topic.

Have You Seen This? Snowman flies away into oblivion
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 12 - 3:43 p.m.
Not sure why this snowman decided to fly away like Mary Poppins.

Have You Seen This? Horse-riding dog shows perfect form
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 11 - 2:48 p.m.
It takes skill to ride a horse, and apparently this pup has got it in spades.

Have You Seen This? Lawn decoration fools toddler
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 9 - 3:48 p.m.
It's like coaches and parents have been saying for years: "If at first you don't succeed, keep testing that artificial candy cane to see if it somehow becomes real."

5 kid-friendly activities in the Honolulu area
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 4 - 3:37 p.m.
There are too many excellent options to list, but here are a handful of my family's favorite spots in the Honolulu area.

Have You Seen This? How the cat stole Christmas
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Jan. 1 - 3:30 p.m.
No tree is safe from cats. Not even a Christmas tree.

Have You Seen This? Dog utterly destroys dinner
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 29 - 3:31 p.m.
Here's why you never set up your dinner in the path of an energetic dog.

Have You Seen This? Beating burglars at their own game
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 28 - 3:34 p.m.
If someone takes something from you, I guess it's logical to simply take it back.

Have You Seen This? Van tire just doesn't know when to stop
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 15 - 3:40 p.m.
That tire looked like a high-energy puppy that had been locked up in the house all day and was then released into the backyard.

Have You Seen This? Manipulative dog tries to shame owner into staying home
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 7 - 3:41 p.m.
Do you think you would've been able to say no to that pressed-against-the-window-in-desperation look?

Have You Seen This? Bet you can't find the hidden octopus
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 2 - 3:28 p.m.
I don't recall any "Where's Waldo" books that included a hidden octopus, but it would've been an excellent thing to sneak in somewhere.

Have You Seen This? Just a girl and her cow
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Dec. 1 - 3:29 p.m.
I had no idea that cows make such peaceful pets.

Have You Seen This? Falling tree creates some highway chaos
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Nov. 30 - 3:31 p.m.
A bomb cyclone recently hit the Pacific Northwest, bringing winds exceeding 70 mph. Thankfully, the people in this video avoided injury.

Have You Seen This? Amateur mechanic gets flipped
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Nov. 29 - 3:37 p.m.
I've never been too handy when it comes to cars. And maybe that's a good thing, since I could easily see myself getting snagged in a scary situation like this.

Have You Seen This? Seriously impressive shooting star
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Nov. 28 - 3:33 p.m.
I had no idea that some shooting stars are officially declared "fireballs," but it makes sense that this beauty made the grade.

Have You Seen This? Dad leaves kids to fend for themselves
Grant Olsen for KSL.com | Posted Nov. 24 - 3:32 p.m.
Let this be a warning to all of us next Halloween. We need to keep our heads on a swivel and make sure that we're able to finish the night strong.