Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes
OZ THEME PARK — I spent hours playing Roller Coaster Tycoon as a teenager, but clearly, dropping disgruntled park guests in the lake only to save them at the last minute was a waste of time — there is so much more the game can do.
I have never been as impressed with a park as much as the one in this video, a choreographed roller coaster to the song "Defying Gravity" from Wicked. Two complimenting trains — green and pink, representing Elphaba and Glinda, respectively — dance across the screen, mirroring the notes and energy of the song as they move across the track ... this had to be painstakingly created.
Sharp turns, hills, breaking, loops and corkscrews match the music perfectly, and the two train cars line up perfectly each time there is a duet throughout the song. Trains representing the chorus also join to help perfectly match the song.
Having created a few roller coaster tracks in the game that were not fatal to the NPCs myself, I can only imagine how much time went into creating this masterpiece. My favorite part is when Elphaba's train literally defies gravity as it jumps between tracks, flying over fields of flowers.
An invisible track might be the feature that makes this coaster just a little more thrilling than Lagoon's "Wicked" roller coaster in northern Utah.
I'd have to ride both tracks if this were a real coaster — singing along to the matching part the whole way.
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