Estimated read time: Less than a minute
THE NEIGHBORHOOD — We all know what Santa Claus does leading up to Christmas. Day after day, he oversees the elves working in his workshop and then loads all the gifts into his sleigh. When the big night arrives, he flies from house to house, delivering toys and snacking on cookies.
But what does he do after Christmas? This video might shed some light on this important topic.
It appears that once the big fellow wraps up his holiday duties, he rolls around town in his one-of-a-kind car. Or, at least, that's what the video suggests.
"When we saw this strangely long car painted with an American flag, it was very festive. It was decked out with lights, a full-size Christmas tree in the back and Santa's helper driving," says the original poster of the video, who claims to have seen this sight while driving in North Salt Lake.
I don't think that was "Santa's helper" at all. That looked like Santa himself, with a beard dyed with a generous dose of Hair Club for Men. Looking good, Santa. Looking good.