Have You Seen This? Lawn decoration fools toddler

A family takes a walk before Christmas in Lindon, California.

A family takes a walk before Christmas in Lindon, California. (ViralHog via YouTube)

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THE NEIGHBORHOOD — There are some very realistic-looking decorations out there. You've probably seen some skeletons at Halloween that resemble the real thing. And I once saw a leprechaun in my neighbor's yard that could've fooled anyone into thinking it was authentic.

But the candy cane in this video isn't trying to look like anything special. It's the type of decoration you might see in a bin next to the checkout counter at the dollar store. But it was enticing enough it prompted a toddler in the neighborhood to try to eat it not once, but twice.

If nothing else, you've got to respect the tenacity of that kid. It's like coaches and parents have been saying for years: "If at first you don't succeed, keep testing that artificial candy cane to see if it somehow becomes real."

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Grant Olsen joined the KSL.com contributor team in 2012. He covers outdoor adventures, travel, product reviews and other interesting things.
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