Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes
ST. GEORGE — Squeals of delight rang across the parking lot as children rode their new Strider bikes at one of the Dove Center's transitional homes in St. George.
On Friday morning, Kelli Prince, president of the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance, presented 10 donated Strider bikes to Jillian Penhale, executive director of the Dove Center, a nonprofit that assists domestic violence survivors. The donated bikes are worth $1,500.
"Our goal is to get kids on bikes and get them outside and help them with their physical, mental and social health but also helping the kids that are a part of the Dove Center," Prince said.
She added that these donations are meant to help these kids feel a greater sense of belonging.
"We would love for them to have normalcy and feel like they can belong in a society where they aren't sure how they fit — when they don't have the means that everybody else seems to have," she said. "The Dove Center has done a great job with this transitional housing."
Prince added that she loves the idea of active transportation helping people with less means because it's a more accessible, less costly way to live.